26. November 2019

Slišali sva, da je okoli 3 ure stran od tu, kjer trenutno bivava, čudovita tržnica z ročno izdelanimi umetninami. Potovanje do tja je vključevalo vožnjo z ladjico ter menjavo treh avtobusov. Ampak veste kaj, res je bilo vredno!

Že na poti do tja sva se tako lepo stopili z gvatemalškim vrvežom. Ko pa sva prispeli na tržnico in sem jaz začela biti pod vplivom vseh barv, sem se začela kar potit in trest, tako me je posrkalo vase 😂

Pletenje tekstila izhaja iz starih majevskih tradicij. Zgornjim delom se reče huipil in najdeš jih v neštetih vzorcih ter barvnih kombinacijah. Celotna noša vključuje še krilo (v katerega se zatlači huipil), vse skupaj pa skupaj držijo pisani pasovi.

Moški tradicionalno nosijo pisane hlače, blago ovito čez boke ter srajico. A na žalost je tradicionalno oblečenih moških zelo malo.

Uživajte v fotografijah! Če pa se pojavi kakšno vprašanje pa mi ga lahko zastavite ali na Instagram ali Facebook.

Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Colourful clothes from the chichi market in Guatemala.
Odličen in zdrav bananin kruh

Na svoji misiji, da se zavrže čimanj hrane, sem opazila, da se mi po kuhinji povaljuje par prezrelih banan. Iz njih sem napravila tole coprnijo: slasten & good for ya belly BANANIN KRUH