October 2, 2017

Plant based milk is really getting popular lately and it’s so simple to make it at home. Since I try to stay away form cow’s milk + I don’t want to buy milk from store (both because of packaging and the things added to them), I learned how to make it. 

And maybe ‘learned’ is even too strong of a verb since the procedure is really simple. And once it will become a routine you won’t need any thinking 🙂 When me and Klemen realised, that we need plant based milk in the fridge at all times we had a notification every Sunday called ‘Milky Way’. It reminded us to make it. But nowadays we don’t need the alarm anymore and the milk magically appears in the fridge. 

Plant based milk can be made from different ingredients. I have tried these: 

**Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, apricot kernels, oats and coconut. ** I prepare all the nuts and seeds in the same way. I take around 100 g of them and soak them in water overnight. Next day I drain them, add them to the blender and add 0.8-1 l of water (less water, the stronger the flavour). I blend everything for around 2 minutes, strain and store in a bottle in the fridge. Milk will last for at least 5 days. Oats milk is giving me quite some problems and I am really open to suggestions how to make a good one. I prepare coconut milk a bit differently – and faster that the instructions written above. I bring to boil 1 l of water and pour it over 150 g of desiccated coconut. I leave it for around 15 minutes. Then I put everything in a blender and blend for around 2 minutes. Strain and store in a bottle in the fridge. **Extras: **You can make your plant based milk even more interesting with dates, vanilla extract, cinnamon, …  

Left-overs: What you strain DON’T throw away! You can use the left-overs in porridge, smoothies, energy balls, … 

My favourite plant based milk that I’ll never forget was from apricot kernels. It tasted like liquid marzipan <3

same same but different

Delicious healthy banana bread

Baby, this one is a keeper

On my mission to reduce food waste, I used some over-ripped bananas that were laying around and made this scrumptious & good for ya belly Banana Bread